During one of our weekly conferences, our snappy Wing Commander MGEN NILO DEYPALUBOS AFP (Ret) frustratingly confided to us (attendees) that the main reason why Depot Repair Projects of C130’s specifically C130 #4593 (+) and C130 #4726 were awarded to local repair facility (Asian Aerospace if my recollection is right) despite of many valid objections on the side of safety and aircraft airworthiness due to the company’s lack of manpower (C130 maintenance experts) & questionable competence in as far as C130 repair is concerned is GMA”s election campaign. Accordingly, the owner of the said repair facility is one of GMA”s biggest financial contributor in the 2004 Presidential campaign. He was further dismayed though not surprised upon learning that the supposed 100 Million-peso contact ballooned to 300 Million pesos after completion of the repair project for C130 #4593 alone. How about C130 #4726 that was also awarded to this same company?
While it is true that this information was just a word of mouth from our snappy and respectable Wing Commander, the fact remains the same that these repair projects are anomalous to begin with because our very own Enlisted Personnel (C130 specialists) & maintenance Officers are the ones working for the repair jobs at Asian Aerospace in Clarkfield, Pampanga. What kind of repair business is it when the supposed car owner who wants his car repaired by a reputable auto repair shop is also the one required to produce car mechanics/engine specialists to do engine overhauling jobs of his own car?
No amount, C130 #4593 mysteriously crashed in Davao Gulf last August 26, 2008 killing all crew onboard including my mistah several months or just less than a year after the repair project was completed. Do I have to elaborate the details of the possible cause of that accident? If so, then click here for the details.
Note: PAF investigation result of C130 #4593 accident was changed from maintenance malpractice to weather disturbance for obvious reason-HIDE THE PAINFUL TRUTH OF GENERALS’ IRREGULARITIES! (I have copies of the said maintenance investigation)