Friday, August 6, 2010


During one of our weekly conferences, our snappy Wing Commander MGEN NILO DEYPALUBOS AFP (Ret) frustratingly confided to us (attendees) that the main reason why Depot Repair Projects of C130’s specifically C130 #4593 (+) and C130 #4726 were awarded to local repair facility (Asian Aerospace if my recollection is right) despite of many valid objections on the side of safety and aircraft airworthiness due to the company’s lack of manpower (C130 maintenance experts) & questionable competence in as far as C130 repair is concerned is GMA”s election campaign. Accordingly, the owner of the said repair facility is one of GMA”s biggest financial contributor in the 2004 Presidential campaign. He was further dismayed though not surprised upon learning that the supposed 100 Million-peso contact ballooned to 300 Million pesos after completion of the repair project for C130 #4593 alone. How about C130 #4726 that was also awarded to this same company?

While it is true that this information was just a word of mouth from our snappy and respectable Wing Commander, the fact remains the same that these repair projects are anomalous to begin with because our very own Enlisted Personnel (C130 specialists) & maintenance Officers are the ones working for the repair jobs at Asian Aerospace in Clarkfield, Pampanga. What kind of repair business is it when the supposed car owner who wants his car repaired by a reputable auto repair shop is also the one required to produce car mechanics/engine specialists to do engine overhauling jobs of his own car?
No amount, C130 #4593 mysteriously crashed in Davao Gulf last August 26, 2008 killing all crew onboard including my mistah several months or just less than a year after the repair project was completed. Do I have to elaborate the details of the possible cause of that accident? If so, then click here for the details.

       Note: PAF investigation result of C130 #4593 accident was changed from maintenance malpractice to weather disturbance for obvious reason-HIDE THE PAINFUL TRUTH OF GENERALS’ IRREGULARITIES! (I have copies of the said maintenance investigation)

Dear President Noy

I wholeheartedly agree with you that wrong identification of problems produces wrong results. But when I hear you spoke before a military crowd during the turn over ceremony of the AFP Chief of Staff urging our soldiers to tell you what they want & you will give it to them, I was awkwardly disturbed because such pronouncement is a sort of taming the AFP so as to avoid military rebellion. Please dear President, do not follow the footstep of the previous fake President GMA who would immediately dangle salary increase whenever reports of military unrest be it “scripted or real” cropped up. You need not resort to such gimmickry because it is very much insulting to the integrity of our soldiers. Our soldiers are professional, loyal and dedicated servants. They are not mad dogs who will irresponsibly launch an uprising just because salary increase is not granted. Gone are the days of GMA’s bribed galore just to hold on to her usurp authority. You are our legitimate President with an overwhelming mandate to start with, so there’s no point of worrying about military unrest.

My point dear President Noy is that it is not the rate of soldiers’ pay that spawned disgruntlement & frustration. It is the Senior Officers’ shabby treatment to our soldiers as if these soldiers are not human beings or mere commodities of war and their continued barefaced practice of wholesale corruption coupled by arrogance of rank that breed hopelessness across the Armed Forces. I must admit in factual terms that soldiers are actually well-compensated contrary to what has been propagated on purpose. Additionally, the AFP & the Police are the most pampered government institutions in terms of remuneration which undeniably become the envy to the teaching community & other government employees considering that many of our soldiers are undergraduate individuals. Let me assure you Sir that your soldiers are and will always be one of your reliable assets in fulfilling your patriotic dreams and aspirations for our downtrodden people & bedraggled nation. But if in your Presidency it is just “business as usual” governance then it is not far-fetched that you too will be confronted with the same dreaded & disastrous military adventurism in three to four years time because as I have said the grounds for soldiers’ disheartenment remain embedded system-wide in the military bureaucracy. So the moment National Politics go awry, simple disgruntlement will soon morph into a violent movement by some messianic elements of our society due to their myopic interpretation of patriotism/nationalism or selfish belief of fixing the broken cord of national dignity that was destroyed by mischievous leadership, mistrust, neglect, hopelessness & ineptitude so to speak.

If I will sarcastically illustrate my point, military uprising or coup d’etat for that matter can never be removed from the political equation even if the country’s entire national budget is exclusively allocated to the AFP & the Police unless an honest to goodness reforms particularly the “doable” ones are immediately & systematically implemented. So I beg you sir to please take a realistic picture of the general sentiments of ordinary soldiers direct from them but in a most professional approach of course rather than relying on the words of Senior Officers. I hate to say this but the AFP is not only composed of powerful but predominantly scheming Generals & bootlicking Colonels. It is also composed of damn idealistic & hibernating Junior Officers, voiceless Enlisted Personnel and helpless dependents & pensioners.


Frankly speaking, the PAF is heavily riddled with corruption so for the meantime I will just focus on the traceable multi-million projects that I am very much knowledgeable of. On the other hand, I am encouraging our country-loving Officers & Enlisted Personnel to anonymously send me pictures, videos, documents & other raw information about PAF corruption at so we can help President Noy eradicate corruption in our organization. Rest assured, submitted information will be taken care with utmost confidentiality. Thank you very much comrades!

1.)  100 MILLION C130 PROJECTS…. read more








Before I’ll be misunderstood by the reading public, I would like to apologize to the concerned PAF Officers & Enlisted Personnel (EP) mentioned perforce in the Court-Martial jurisprudence examples below. My only purpose is to ensure that the age-old practice of misusing military law is halted & the necessary reforms be implemented right away. Again, my sincerest apology to SEN TRILLANES, LTCOL APUD (cousin of SEN MIRIAM SANTIAGO who was unlawfully punished for six years of criminal imprisonment!), MAJ DE LEON, CPT ILAGAN, Sgt Guantero, Sgt Vergara, Airman (AM) Lausa & AM Valdeviezo.

These are the members of General Court-Martial #1 (GCM #1):


Names of Military Prosecutors:


The actions of the above-named Court-Martial member PAF Officers must be exposed to the public in order to:

  1. send a strong precautionary or learning message to the entire Corps of PAF Officers that sitting as Court-Martial Judges, Prosecutors and even Defense Counsels is no ordinary military assignments. The moment an appointed military Officer swears in as part of the Court-Martial, he also obligingly put his name and reputation at the bar of public opinion and at the altar of righteousness for the world to see. He should therefore put in mind that respecting the accused’s basic constitutional & humanitarian rights is essential, non-negotiable & a must so as to achieve absolute impartiality of trial. Otherwise, it would just mean a kangaroo trial, a malicious proceeding, a subordinated judicial undertaking or a sham trial plain and simple. Furthermore, the appointed Court-Martial members should embrace the fact that observance to rule-of-law is paramount and that administration of subordinated justice is basically detrimental if not destructive to the PAF Organization itself. Sad to say, PAF General Court-Martial #1 or shall I say PAF “Kangaroo” Court-Martial miserably failed in its lofty mandate because they simply conspired with each other to undo what is expected of them as members of an “independent” quasi-judicial body. WHAT A SHAME COLONELS!

  1. inform the public that in few years time some of these Officers will become Generals who might be in control of some of our diverse communities. We don’t even know that one day one of them will become the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

  1. convey a message of reform to our political leaders particularly the members of the powerful Commission on Appointments for them to also look at the merits of my case and the rest of my fellow detainees in aid of professionalizing our Philippine Air Force and institute amendments to the Military Justice System.


Omnibus Election Code instructively provides that “xxx any person holding a public appointive office or position including active members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be considered IPSO FACTO resigned from his office upon the filling of his candidacy xxx which I purposefully filed my candidacy last Dec 01, 2009. In other words, I am now a civilian individual under “resigned military officer” category that is no longer subject to military law & jurisdiction.

On the other hand, charges of violations to AW64 (Disrespect to Superior Officer),    AW96 (Conduct Unbecoming an Officer & Gentleman) and AW97 (Prejudicial to Good Order & Military Conduct) whose maximum imposable punishment is dismissal from the military service (without imprisonment) if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt are all administrative “in nature” charges. So applying the provisions of the said election law, any further Court-Martial trial after Dec 01, 2009 is definitely moot & academic because the court can no longer dismiss a person who is already & effectively resigned by law on that particular filing date. Moreover, it would be foolhardy on the part of the court if it will impose a criminal punishment (say years of imprisonment) to a person who is only being tried administratively. In short, the PAF is now obligated to release me from jail. Period!

But in a sheer display of PAF Court Martial’s stupidity, it stubbornly concluded my trial last May 31, 2010 and shamelessly promulgated its pre-cooked decision of my dismissal from the military service plus TWO YEARS OF CRIMINAL IMPRISONMENT though I have not presented my defense yet before these supposed honorable men & woman-in-uniform. Worst, they even have the gall & temerity to have me bodily-carried out of my prison cell with matching back-handcuffing and forcibly brought me to the court despite of their prior admission that my case is purely an administrative proceeding (see attached). What particular message does these legally-enlightened PAF Officers wanted to convey to our people & the legal community in tyrannically & diabolically manhandling a helpless person facing an administrative trial? It is my right not to participate to this legal circus of PAF Court-Martial that’s why even in my absence the court can render judgment “according to their script” and just furnish me a copy of such immoral resolution. No need of manhandling CPT POGOY!


So in defense of my constitutional & civil rights, I dutifully wrote a letter (see attached)
dated May 24, 2010 addressed to the above-named patriotic Officers except for COL ANDRES LARGO who recently retired and copy-furnished to other members of the kangaroo court demanding therewith a court-originated order or letter of explanation categorically stating that the Court-Martial being a military court is not obliged to issue written & well-studied resolutions to whatever motions the defense & prosecution counsels shall file before them. Again consistent to its majestic display of legal malevolence and arrogance of authority, PAF’s kangaroo court forthrightly defeated my rational & legally valid demand letter by a simple utterance of “motion is denied” judicial phrase accompanied by the proper & graceful banging of gavel. But in an epic twist of legal maneuverings few days later, the Court-Martial somersaulted and CONCEDEDLY CHANGED ITS LEGAL APPRECIATION ON MY CASE FROM CRIMINAL TO SIMPLE ADMINISTRATIVE CASE.

My closest estimation therefore to the Court-Martial’s bizarre reversal is to free itself of any legal obstacles such as issuing law-based resolutions, etc to every legal manifestation the way criminal trial should be so that the court can conveniently railroad the proceedings and automatically hand down the obviously pre-cooked decision against me. In fact, they shamelessly promulgated their decision last May 31, 2010. What made this unprecedented and Guinness-worthy court reversal astonishing and brain-busting is its disgraceful insistence of imposing two years criminal imprisonment on top of the dismissal punishment. Whether you like it or not, ONLI IN DA PILIPINS that the administrative proceedings also constitute criminal imprisonment! I would really submit this amazing judicial circus to the Guinness Book of World Records.


Firstly, the principal basis on why Court-Martial cases are administrative in nature is Republic Act 7055 or the so-called Civilian Supremacy Law that was enacted on April 30, 1991. This act explicitly empowered the AFP’s Courts-Martial to resolve cases of purely service-connected offenses within the purview of administrative or at most punitive power (not criminal punishment!) of the convening authority. For the information of everybody, the punitive power of the convening authority is governed by the table of punishment under AW105 nwhich explicitly provides maximum punitive imprisonment of six months with hard labor or if the offense is really grave then a maximum punishment of dismissal from the miltary service. All offenses committed by any military personnel that is punishable under the country’s Revised Penal Code are now exclusively under the jurisdiction of the civilian trial court which obviously is the higher court compared to the Court-Martial.

Secondly, the procedure in filing cases in military justice system against military offender is in this manner; determine the offender’s alleged offense then charged him/her according to the specific Article of War being violated plus the automatic lighter charge of either AW96 or AW97 or both AW96 & AW97 violations as the case may be. This procedure is not violative to the accused’s constitutional rights against double jeopardy/wrongful charged because AW96 & AW97 have nothing to do with the criminal guilt of the accused but more of his suitability to be retained in the military service. Treating AW96 & AW97 equal to the rest of the Articles of War is absolutely unconstitutional because the law says no person (say accused of killing Pedro) shall be tried all at the same time for murder, for homicide & for reckless imprudence resulting to homicide for that single act of killing Pedro.

A PAF General is accused of sexual harassment by his lady-Officer Aide-de-Camp. Subject General must be charged before the civilian trial court by no less than the Philippine Air Force as mandated by RA 7055 under AW94 (Various Crimes) and must also be charged at the PAF’s Court- Martial for AW96 & AW97 violations for administrative proceedings. As I have said, it is not the function of the Court-Martial to rule the criminal guilt of the said General for sexual harassment via AW96 & AW97 charges but merely to establish his culpability to the allegations and determine his fitness to be retained in the military service considering that the charges of sexual harassment itself has automatically tarnished the already “bad” image of the organization he belongs.

So even if that lady-Officer victim would later on retracts her sexual harassment allegations at the civilian trial court possibly because of out-of-court settlement, said General still has to answer AW96 & AW97 charges at the Court-Martial (ideally and supposedly) wherein he may opt for early retirement, forced resignation without prejudice to claims & benefits or he may risked fighting it out until the end of Court-Martial trial where he can be meted out a dismissal from the military service (without imprisonment of course) if found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of violating AW96 & AW97. It will be a big embarrassment to the entire military community if such a General is to be retained in the military service and becomes the AFP Chief of Staff after being administratively penalized regarding acts of sexual harassment.

To further understand my administrative assertion about Court-Martial cases, let us use actual & recent Court-Martial jurisprudence for us to have a glimpse of how the PAF leadership has bastardized the military justice system, the rule of law and the constitution in general. We need to unravel PAF’s flagrant misuse of military law in the guise of disciplining the supposed erring military personnel to cover up bureaucratic misdeeds particularly PAF’s legal violation/blunder attendant to this instant case of mine.


Aside from the Coup d’etat charge that was lodged against him at the Makati Trial Court, SEN TRILLANES was also charged for violations to AW96 & AW97 before the AFP Court-Martial relative to the famous Oakwood incident. Coup d’etat is defined as heinous crime that’s why civilian trial court has jurisdiction over it. And it is the civilian trial court alone who should determine the criminal guilt of SEN TRILLANES for that alleged coup d’etat and not the military court. In this relation, Court-Martial’s role in that Oakwood incident is for administrative proceedings to find out if then LTSG TRILLANES is still fit to be retained in the AFP after leading that disastrous event. But when LTSG TRILLANES filed his candidacy for Senator, charges against him before the Court-Martial were dropped and Court-Martial trials were subsequently stopped because he is already IPSO FACTO resigned upon his filing of candidacy per Omnibus Election Code.

Therefore: It is now established that AW96 & AW97 are indeed admin cases otherwise SEN TRILLANES could have been a convicted criminal by now for violating AW96 & AW97.


Sgt Vergara was investigated for immorality when a woman not his legal wife wrote a letter-of-admission (read complaint) to the PAF claiming that she & subject soldier has a child out of their illicit affair. But midway through the preliminary investigations, the said woman complainant retracted her statement and filed her affidavit of desistance to the investigating body. Logically and technically speaking, Sgt Vergara has not committed any infractions that would warrant further trial. However the PAF pursued its case against him and recommended him to be tried before a Court-Martial but this time only for the lightest charge among the Articles of War and that is AW97. To make a long story short, Sgt Vergara was convicted by the military tribunal for violating AW97 and was meted out one (1) rank demotion & three (3) months imprisonment with hard labor whose punishment fall within the table of punishment under the punitive power of the convening authority particularly AW105. I must emphasize that the three (3) months imprisonment with hard labor IS NOT a criminal punishment but simply a disciplinary sanction.

Therefore: Sgt Vergara’s retention in the PAF (demotion punishment) though convicted by the Court-Martial of violating AW97 provision is legally justifiable because as I have said AW97 is just an administrative charge.


LT MARTINEZ of the Special Operations Wing, PAF allegedly killed his soldier when his government issued pistol went off while cleaning said item. Families of the deceased soldier-victim filed a homicide case against LT MARTINEZ at the civilian trial court somewhere in Batangas province and the PAF through the Court-Martial on the other hand, tried him for AW96 & AW97. Accordingly, said respondent Officer was acquitted by the Court-Martial to these charges that’s why he was promoted to the next higher rank though he still has a pending homicide case outside the military court jurisdiction. Well for the sake of argumentation, RA 7055 mandated the PAF to be the responsible entity to file a homicide charge instead of the victim’s family. But since the PAF did not file necessary charges at the civilian court regarding this accidental killing then suffice it to say that LT MARTINEZ has no criminal liability over his deceased troop mate soldier. In fact, the Court-Martial found him not liable to any administrative misdemeanors when it acquits him of AW96 & AW97 charges.

Therefore: AW96 & AW97 filed against LT MARTINEZ are automatic admin charges as I have been claiming.


Before I forget, I just want to share this information that LTCOL APUD is the cousin of SEN MIRIAM PALMA DEFENSOR-SANTIAGO on the side of the PALMA’s.

LTCOL APUD is currently detained here at PAF Custodial Center, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City for over three years already for the killing of his subordinate Executive Officer out of self-defense when the deceased victim was drunk and went amok at their detachment in Basilan almost four years ago. LTCOL APUD was being tried by the COURT MARTIAL for AW96 & AW 97 only and no other charges filed against him at the civilian court. Meaning to say, PAF’s refusal (or failure?) to file criminal charges of say murder as mandated by RA 7055 is in itself PAF’s admission that he is actually innocent of the crime & has no criminal liability over the death of his Executive Officer. As I have been claiming, AW96 & AW97 are admin charges therefore it cannot and should not be used as the presupposition of murder, homicide, etc.

Lamentably, PAF GCM usurped the authority of the civilian trial court when it criminally tried LTCOL APUD for murder via AW96 & AW97. In fact, it recently promulgated its verdict against subject Officer and meted him out a dismissal from the military service with prejudice to claims and retirement benefits plus six (6) years of imprisonment. This decision is terribly uncalled for and abhorring because it is bereft of any legal grounds for reason that:

  1. Court-Martial has no jurisdiction over LTCOL APUD’s case in as far as murder or homicide is concerned. LT MARTINEZ in jurisprudence-example #3 above can speak for this. As I have said, Court-Martial proceedings are administrative only & not a criminal undertaking per RA 7055.

  1. AW96 & AW97 provisions are admin charges only and not the counterpart charges of murder or homicide. Therefore, the trial itself to convict LTCOL APUD for the killing of his Executive Officer is a misplaced one. The charges are wrong and defective right from the start.

  1. Military books never spoke of six or seven years or even one (1) day of criminal imprisonment upon AW96 & AW97 conviction. What is actually written is “Dismissal from the military service” (without imprisonment) for AW96 violation and “court discretion” clause for AW97 violation. Now if “court discretion” clause was the basis of Court-Martial in coming up that figure (six years criminal imprisonment) of LTCOL APUD, then such act is not only deplorable but extremely unlawful because Sgt Vergara in jurisprudence #2 above was also convicted for AW97 by the Court-Martial and yet he is free and even retained in the PAF. There’s no such thing as criminal punishment for one offender and administrative sanction for the other offender both of whom were found guilty of AW97 violation by a court of law.

From my point of view, LTCOL APUD is just similar to a person who was accused of killing Pedro but was being tried by a court-of-law for jaywalking and then punished criminally because of murder. This is absolutely judicial stupidity! Grave Injustice!


Sgt Guantero allegedly lost his government issued firearm and replaced it with a tampered one. For this reason, he was charged for violation to AW97 and AW84 (military property, willful or negligent loss). Again AW97 was automatically included in this particular case. He pleaded not guilty to both charges but after completion of trial the Court Martial found him guilty as charged and was sentenced to suffer two (2) ranks demotion and six (6) months imprisonment with hard labor. 

Note: Guilty verdict was rendered to him but still he remained in the active service because Court-Martial trial is admin in nature proceedings.


Airman (AM) Lausa my co-detainee and officemate at Mactan Air Base also lost his government issued firearm. But when he was investigated, he invoked his constitutional rights to be represented by a counsel of his choice. This action angered our Wing Commander BGEN JAIME LARGO AFP (ret) (the brother of GCM #1 Former President COL ANDRES LARGO trying my case) thus he was right away put in jail and spent seven (7) months of detention without a charge. Interestingly, AM LAUSA while in jail was automatically deducted an amount from his salary for payment of the lost firearm. His ordeal did not stop there because after seven (7) months of imprisonment without a charge, he was transferred here at PAF detention facility and spent another more-than-a-year of jail stay. When Court-Martial was finally convened to try him, AM LAUSA opted to plead guilty so as not to prolong his detention stay considering that he has spent almost two years of imprisonment already. His guilty plea hastened the proceedings and the Court-Martial sentenced him to suffer a dismissal from the military service.

Comparing Sgt Guantero and Airman Lausa justice-wise, both soldiers are guilty of violating AW97 & AW84. But how come Sgt Guantero who refused accountability (not guilty plea) of the said offense was retained in the military service while AM Lausa who obligingly owned up his mistake (guilty plea) was made to simultaneously suffer for almost 2 years imprisonment and monthly salary deduction for the lost firearm? Worst the PAF dismissed him after paying the lost firearm! What kind of justice is this? Two persons individually committed similar offenses but the one who has the mitigating circumstance (guilty plea) was the one punished hell while the person who refused accountability till the end of trial was penalized to stay in paradise? This is not justice in its truest sense. This is Court-Martial’s shamelessness at the expense of justice!


AM Valdeviezo of Zamboanga City also lost his firearm a year ago. Again he was immediately put in jail without a charge. Then after (5) months of stockade at PAF Base in Zamboanga City, he was transferred here in PAF Detention Facility purportedly for Court-Martial trial. To his surprise, he was no longer tried before a Court-Martial and instead he was automatically dismissed from the military service effective May 16, 2010 per PAF S.O. # 100 HPAF dated 22 May 2010.

I cannot fathom the wisdom of PAF Leadership on the continued incarceration (plus without salary) of AM VALDEVIEZO when his dismissal order was already effected last May 16, 2010. Accordingly and in connection to the same lost firearm offense, the PAF filed another case against AM VALDEVIEZO at the civilian court-of-law in Zamboanga City recently. Does this filing of another case enough grounds to continue his stay in jail? Secondly, why filed it only now when the supposed offense were committed a year ago? Thirdly, why was he transferred here in Pasay when the criminal charge filed by the PAF at the civilian court is in Zamboanga City? This is definitely unlawful & unconstitutional! Effective May 16, 2010 the PAF no longer had the authority or jurisdiction over AM VALDEVIEZO hence ILLEGAL DETENTION! How can we correct this blatant misuse of law by the supposed law enforcement body called Philippine Air Force? How can we modernize our PAF if the mind-setting of our Officers is still of medieval age? If PAF leaders can conveniently trample the constitutional rights of the accused then how can the PAF require our people to entrust to them their God-given rights and their children’s future? AM VALDEVIEZO was only released last July 26, 2010.


Another incontrovertible proof of my admin claim is my own Court-Martial trial. Unknown to everyone, I walked out of COL CARANDANG’S office last Feb 20, 2009 when subject patriotic officer thrice shouted at me quote “YOU ARE INSIDE MY ROOM” unquote while slowly putting his right hand inside his table drawer when I questioned him and LT TANGGAWOHN for dereliction of duty because I was already four months in detention without any charges. Being a military officer myself also, I would take it by heart that such pretty damned phrase of “you are inside my room” coupled by a suspenseful hand action is of course about life and death choices. So by a snap of a finger I went out of his room for my safety’s sake. Because of that incident, I was charged (well, naturally expected) for violations to AW64 (Disrespect to Superior Officer) plus the two automatic AW96 and AW97 charges. Again, there are no violations to double jeopardy constitutional rule on one single act of misdemeanor because the latter two charges is primarily hinged on the aspect of my fitness or worthiness to be retained in the military service after walking out of COL CARANDANG's office due to my emotional outburst when my constitutional rights to be charged accordingly and to speedy disposition of my case were ignored.

On matters concerning my video materials that were illegally circulated at the internet, I was only charged for violations to AW96 and AW97. Meaning to say, the other equally important charges specifically violations to AW63 (Disrespect toward the President) and AW91 (provoking speeches and gestures) do not hold water in court because PAF’s lone witness admitted both in preliminary investigations and actual court trial that she intentionally uploaded it against my will to personally get back at me so I will be dismissed from the military service

My question now is how can the Court-Martial reconcile the undeniable facts of the election law that I am already resigned and the administrative nature of my case to that of their shameful, absurd, unmerited, legally baseless & judicially obnoxious verdict of two years criminal imprisonment against me on top of the dismissal punishment? What was my supposed crime? Being disrespectful to a Superior Officer who does not know the meaning of speedy disposition of my case? Being disrespectful to a Superior Officer after asserting my rights to be charged accordingly & expeditiously? Being disrespectful to a Superior Officer after walking out of his room for my safety’s sake? Is asserting my rights to speedy disposition of my case now a criminal act punishable for two years imprisonment? Why two years of imprisonment by the way? Why not two years and one hour to make it historical?

To make it short, PAF’s dismissal and imprisonment verdict is unlawful and unconstitutional!


Nomad 53 piloted by then CPT DE LEON & 1LT ILAGAN ditched in Zamboanga City shoreline sometime Dec 2003 due to fuel starvation because said Officers in collusion with other PAF Officers based in Sanga-sanga, Tawi-tawi sold drums of aircraft fuel to local traders instead of gassing it up to NOMAD 53 for their return flight to Zamboanga City. All passengers and crew onboard luckily survived in that accident but the aircraft was totally damaged. For this reason, subject Officers were automatically charged of violations to AW96 & AW97 but since they immediately owned up their misdeeds and remorsefully asked for forgiveness, the PAF Court-Martial was no longer convened and the PAF leadership at that time (2003) graciously forgave them.

My disappointment about this particular case is not because MAJ DE LEON et al never spent a single day in jail after destroying a multi-million peso Nomad aircraft. It is because of Generals’ reasoning that since fuel pilferage is an open-secret practice of PAF pilots, said offenders must be forgiven and be meted out an administrative punishment of temporary removal of flying pay. In other words, PAF generals cannot impose harsher punishment because they are also guilty of the same illegal act. This is the main reason why up to this point in time fuel pilferage is continuously being practiced by many PAF pilots. In fact, the same GCM #1 is currently trying two (2) helpless Enlisted Personnel for fuel pilferage while the Officer/mastermind who ordered them to do so is free of any liabilities because he is now resigned and employed in the airline company. How can we professionalize our Philippine Air Force when most PAF Officers refused to stop this illegal activity?

That is not the end of the story yet because if we look at the whole picture about PAF, selling of aircraft fuel is just a “loose change” form of corruption. Big time or wholesale corruption is actually committed in procurement processes of aircraft spare parts and overpricing of depot repair projects. Very classic example of anomalous depot repair project is the depot repair of C130 #4593 & #4726 wherein PAF C130 specialists specifically 220AW maintenance personnel are the ones being hired to do the repair jobs in Asian Aerospace, Clarkfield Pampanga. Where’s C130 #4593 now? It mysteriously crashed in Davao gulf last Aug 26, 2008. Adding insult to social injury, the PAF changed its findings on the cause of that mysterious accident from maintenance malpractice to simple weather disturbance so as to spare the personalities involved in this hundreds of millions of pesos depot repair anomaly.

How many more PAF aircraft to be destroyed soon because of systemic corruption of PAF Officers before we put a stop to it? How many more Filipino families have to suffer involuntary hunger just so the PAF can procure another multi-million peso aircraft?

Going back to my main topic, it is very clear now that AW96 & AW97 are not criminal charges. That is why even if MAJ DE LEON and company committed grave offense of destroying multi-million peso aircraft, they were only punished administratively.


Impartiality is the nucleus of justice and without which the trial is doomed, which in the end may result to irreparable damage to the integrity of the court and the competence of the institution the trial represents. It is for this reason I am speaking out against misapplication of military law in order to remind military Officers that “military rank” is not just about having oppressive power & brute force authority. It is all about responsibility; responsibility to the nation, the constitution & rule-of-law, the people and last but the most important of all the responsibility to respect the God-given rights of all individuals. So to make myself clear, let us tackle the odd events that transpired in my trial for us to understand how these supposed responsible PAF Officers violated the fundamentals of justice.

a.) Early in my trial, COL DINO DINO PAF (GSC) suddenly appeared in court & sat as member judge of GCM #1. Then couple of months later or past midway through the trial, another PAF Officer in the name of COL RAYMUNDO ELEFANTE (GSC) suddenly took over the helm of Court-Martial as its President. Contrary to the long & well-established procedure of Court-Martial i.e. notifying the accused ahead of time of any changes of Court-Martial composition, these two fine gentlemen assumed their respective positions without my prior knowledge thereby denying me of my legal right to judiciously challenge them before the Court-Martial either by peremptory challenge (before arraignment) or by challenge for a cause (after arraignment). Suffice it to say that their lightning or thieve-like assumption of judgeship post is full of malice that spoke against the integrity of the court. Their impartiality is already questionable right at the start of their tour-of-duty. How can I intelligently exercise my right to challenges when the court itself won’t divulge the actual composition of Court-Martial? Worst, they are replacing its member-judges on their own malicious desire. Isn’t it unconscionable for the court to just replace “qualified” members with incompetent ones at any given time they wished & wanted to and at the expense of the accused?

b.) Last year specifically June 20, 2009 (and the whole week thereafter), LTCOL (Atty) GERRY PULOHANAN PAF (JAGS) shamelessly participated in the conduct of illegal raid of my detention room by forcibly restraining me at the office of LTCOL BENGANO a block away from my cell until the raiding operatives of PAF have ransacked/confiscated my personal belongings including documents essential to my defense. Imagine a chief-law-member-judge at that, personally assisting PAF operatives to commit illegal act against the person he has been trying criminally? Is this how an impartial trial judge acts?

Secondly, when I manifested in open court the immediate return of the illegally confiscated personal items together with my unequivocal demand for the court to exercise its judicial authority for the observance and upholding of my BASIC constitutional/humanitarian rights as an accused, LTCOL PULOHANAN in agreement with COL ANDRES LARGO (the GCM President at that time) arrogantly rejected my plea and worse they justified it by saying that matters concerning human rights are not the responsibility of the court. Their sole function is purely about the trial itself and nothing more. Is this how an independent quasi-judicial body really works? If this is so then I should not be surprised why GCM #1 abruptly promulgated its decision last May 31, 2010 though I have not presented my defense yet. I can never present my evidences before the Court-Martial because PAF raiders in connivance with this well-educated & well-trained Lawyer/PAF Officer confiscated it.

c.) Early part of 2009, I personally conferred my valid concern to LTCOL HERMOGENES LORZANO PAF him being the Executive Officer of PAF Finance Center about the need to immediately stop ACCC’s additional salary deduction under “savings deposit” scheme because that deduction is illegal. It is illegal because I never authorized ACCC to transact at PAF Finance Center in my behalf for an additional deduction particularly savings deposit. I even dutifully informed him that another court trial between ACCC & I regarding loan payment dispute is already ongoing at Pasay Trial Court and it is now the court of Pasay who shall determine how much I am going to pay to ACCC if found guilty by that court that is why any additional deductions without my expressed consent should be disallowed. Frustratingly, he right away rejected my concern for reason that he lacks authority over that matter. I don’t agree with him that he lacked authority because he is the second most powerful Officer of the entire PAF Finance Units. So by his refusal, I can never be faulted to surmise that such inaction is somehow part of PAF”s effort to undermine my financial capability so that in the long run, I’ll be forced to keep quiet about PAF Officers irregularities. In short, LTCOL LORZANO’s impartiality is no doubt questionable.

d.) COL ANDRES LARGO’s inhibition is logically necessary because many of my exposes of PAF corruption is traceable to 220AW during the incumbency of his older brother BGEN JAIME LARGO (ret) as the Wing Commander of 220AW. Do you think by rational point-of-view COL ANDRES LARGO can exercise impartiality and fairness knowing that his brother will soon be in the firing line for the questionable distribution of cold cash to us subordinate officers and the lavish Christmas party celebration? Just take a look at the picture of this cash distribution affair of his brother.

e.)  MAJOR (Atty) ROPER JOHN ESTEPA PAF (JAGS) was the designated Pre-Trial Investigating Officer (PTIO) of my case prior to his posting as (chief?) prosecutor. For the information of everybody, PTIO is equivalent to the fiscal in the civilian justice system and my limited understanding about fiscal is that its primary duty is basically to protect the interest/right of the accused until the preponderance of evidence for probable cause is established. Therefore, MAJ ESTEPA’s participation as a member of the prosecution panel (chief prosecutor as I see it) is already questionable which warrants inhibition. Regrettably, he refused to inhibit and the Court-Martial didn’t rule on this inhibition manifestation. Does the PAF lack qualified lawyer or is MAJ ESTEPA the only lawyer the PAF can produce best to handle the prosecution team?

Another indubitable madness attached to MAJ ESTEPA’s prosecutorial tour of duty is his participation also in the illegal raid & confiscation of my personal belongings. He and LTCOL PULOHANAN were among the PAF Officers who cordoned me off inside LTCOL BENGANO’s office for several hours. They just released me after the raiding operatives have ransacked everything in my position. What kind of impartiality is it when both Court-Martial judges and prosecutors are up in arms against this helpless representation?

f.) CPT (Atty) JEFFERSON MIRALLES PAF (JAGS) is the tag team of MAJ ESTEPA in the prosecution panel. Again, this shameless person is also responsible for the confiscation of my belongings in the succeeding days after that June 20, 2009 incident. This is also the same shameless lawyer who accompanied MAJ JESSIE BANASTAO in the illegal raid of my cousin’s house at KAYBIGA, CALOOCAN CITY. Click this video link of the said KAYBIGA ILLEGAL RAID.

g.) LTCOL HARUN’s impartiality is likewise questionable because he is part of 520th Air Base Wing the unit responsible for the many constitutional rights violations committed against my person, my wife and my family. In fact, he was present during the time my sick wife was forced to sleep over pieces of newspapers in a grassy lot enclosure of the detention facility just in front of my cell. You see, a Court-Martial judge himself had witnessed the commission of outrages against the dignity of my wife and yet he is mum on it. Worst, he shamelessly voted in favor of my dismissal and two years criminal imprisonment because of the administrative offense I have committed kuno!

In summary, the Court-Martial has no jurisdiction of trying any military personnel for offenses punishable under the revised penal code per instruction of Republic Act 7055. Secondly, the Court-Martial cannot exercise impartiality over personnel accused of committing criminal offense because more often than not their bases of coming up a decision is the accused’s conduct towards his Peers, Seniors & Subordinates for the last decades of his military service. The court is practically the prosecutor, the jury, the “symbolic” defense and the executioner of the accused. Thirdly, members of Court-Martial judges do not even know criminal law because majority of them are not lawyers. How can a non-lawyer individual exercise mastery of criminal laws when he has no knowledge on that particular matter? So the most Court-Martial judges can exercise authority over “erring” personnel is the determination of the accused’s fitness in the military service which is basically a matter of administrative undertaking.



Note: The words written on this article are purely analytical or theoretical assessment of the author base on his personal knowledge and understanding on the aircraft operation, maintenance, flying experience and organizational conduct of operation. This is not written to undermine the result of the investigation but to give the reading public a worm’s eye view on the cause or causes of accident that led to its fatal but mysterious accident that cost the lives of two (2) Very Good PAF Pilots, 7 PAF soldiers and two (2) battle scarred Army Rangers who were detailed as troop escorts of the ferried combat troops. This is likewise written to give justice to the hardworking crew and army escorts who perished in that ill-fated C130 #4593….mysteriously!

Investigation Reports will be published here sooner than you expected!

This picture is taken from PAF Website in honor of the Pilots and Crew of the ill-fated C130 4593. Pictures of two Army Rangers were not included because they were not considered heroes by the PAF due to its being army men.

C130 “HERCULES” is basically an “all weather” cargo aircraft utilized by several civilian corporations and military organizations due to its reliability. All weather means that the aircraft is designed to withstand weather turbulences while on flight except of course for extreme weather disturbances such as super-typhoons and the like. This prototype of aircraft has proven its worth to be the safest cargo aircraft in the world since its birth four or five decades ago. It has four powerful engines independently working together base on the power requirement needed for a safe and comfortable flight. It also has individual engine warning system routinely being monitored by the pilot, the co-pilot and the flight engineer every now and then. To make a long story short, C130 Aircraft is precisely dependable if it is not being abused. In fact, 3-engine takeoff or flying 3 engines is just an ordinary flying routine for veteran pilots and crew. The term “abused” is descriptively used because the succeeding pages will thoroughly explain on the possible factors that led to its tragic but mysterious accident. According to a C130 Pilot, there are only three factors that can cost the lives of C130 Pilots and Crew during flight operations and they are: a. bleed air b. propeller failure c. foolishness Since the aircraft is submerged in the Gulf of Davao with no firm hint that the PAF will resurface it to unearth the “real cause of accident”, the author will instead focus his assessment on the “foolishness” aspect because this factor constitute the entire picture on how the organizational system works to the aircraft after all. Foolishness can be attributed to the corruption practices of the PAF and operational mediocrity of PAF Flight Operations which if we put in one sweeping generalization, Flight Safety is actually being sacrificed!

Let us now dissect foolishness into three “intriguing” aspects of contention.


But before we plunge on the lengthy justification on each of the three intriguing aspects of foolishness, let us first establish the expected position of C130 4593 along the flight route base on the last transmission of C130 4593 to Davao Control Tower. Here are the excerpts of communication between Davao Tower and Air Force 4593. SORRY SIRS, NO TIME TO GET THE EXCHANGE OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE PILOTS AND THE TOWER. This is the established departure procedure of RUNWAY 23 of Davao International Airport.

As shown in the cropped picture above, AF 4593 is required to make a Left Turn within 5 Nautical Miles upon airborne to intercept Radial 180. If Radial 180 has been intercepted, AF 4593 is again required to maintain at that radial while climbing until 4000 feet indicated altitude. Upon reaching 4000 ft Indicated Altitude along Radial 180, AF 4593 is again required to make another left but this time Left Procedure Turn within 10 Nautical Miles (see fish hook illustration below) to cross Davao VOR/DME Fix at 8000 feet or above. Or in lay man’s term, AF 4593 is required to go back over Davao VOR/DME Fix at 8000ft or above but must turn left first before turning clockwise direction in going back above the station. Upon reaching back over Davao Station (Fix), that is now the time AF 4593 can start flying the approved airway (B473) in going to Iloilo Station as shown in the green encircled diagram below.

Flight Route Left Procedure Turn

Since AF 4593 has just initiated the first Left Turn in its flight route, it can be established that the aircraft was on its way of intercepting Radial 180 and has not reach the Altitude limit of 4000’ yet before performing the so called “Left Procedure Turn”. Of course, the aircraft can be inside or has just passed the 5NM marker when it initiated its first left maneuvering turn but still in the process of intercepting Radial 180 while climbing towards 4000’ altitude limit. So if we put its aerial displacement over the terrain map, we can now at least confirm its estimated location in relation to the time of its last radio transmission. This is how the flight route looks like and compares it to the actual crash site of the aircraft.



This environmental hazard (lightning strike) do exists in flying profession. In fact there is a recorded incident that C130 aircraft crashed due to this lightning strike. Interestingly, that recorded incident happened several decades ago when C130 or all aircraft for that matter still were not equipped yet with lightning arresters. That incident gave birth to safety enhancement of all air assets to prevent similar accidents to happen by installing number of Lightning Arresters to the aircraft so that the electrical deposits brought about by lightning will be discharged right away. These Lightning Arresters are now proven as the sole protective devices against lightning onslaught while on flight. It is for this reason that all aircraft can withstand ordinary weather disturbances while on flight. How much more for the C130 aircraft whose prototype is designed to be an all weather aircraft? Will it be believable if C130 4593 met its tragic accident due to Lightning Strike? Personally speaking, Lightning strike is very remote to be considered otherwise all pilots should now be wary if that’s the case. Therefore environmental factor especially lightning strike can be ruled out logically. Unless physical evidences thru resurfacing the aircraft is examined, lightning strike will remain not party to its fatal accident.


This angle cannot also be just ruled out without resurfacing the aircraft. But for argumentation purposes, we will try to make further investigations why sabotage/enemy fire angle should be integrated. The term sabotage or enemy fire will always associate on how efficient security measures are inside the military installations where PAF aircraft are parked. In short, the subject matter on this sabotage aspect will focus on the practices done by PAF Crews, Ground personnel and security detailing. Having part of the C130 Crew many times before, aircraft security is no longer the concern of the pilots and crew because this task is already a mandate of the respective Tactical Operation’s Group (TOG) of the Philippine Air Force. Based on my experience, pilot and some crew automatically deplane after engine shutdown and immediately proceed to the base operations for heavy meals or light refreshment prepared by the TOG Unit or some other sort of stuffs like flight instructions and coordination. Processing of passengers is outside pilots’ task for as long as cargo loading and weight limit is in order. But if the volume of passengers and cargoes are now beyond the calculated flight safety minima, the pilots will now intervene and calls for the shot. Essentially, there is no problem with this set up. The security problem arises in between along the processing of cargoes and passengers because more often than not, “Care Of” baggage especially those of the Generals are being loaded without strict security scrutiny. This age-old “Care Of” practice of sending goods and “pasalubong” to ranking military Officers without physical security check made the aircraft vulnerable to sabotage. How can we correlate 4593 fatal accident to sabotage? The answer is thru the “sonar images” provided by USS Lincoln, the human body parts recovered and some aircraft parts. Firstly, sonar images showed that C130 4593 lay “intact” underneath in Davao Gulf except for the huge hole-type bust of the fuselage. This bust implies that explosion happened on flight. The only problem is on what type of explosion was there. If it was caused by lightning, it is very improbable because according to seasoned C130 pilots lightning can only damage a fist-size hole at the most. Even if the lightning struck in one of the aircraft’s fuel tanks located at the Wings, the damage could have been severe because fuel-triggered explosion can somehow destroy the entire aircraft causing it to detach into pieces. But as the “Sonar Images” has shown, there was no manifestation of fuel triggered explosion from the C130 Wings. Therefore, lightning strike is absolutely out of the issue.

Secondly, if C130 4593 was experiencing mechanical malfunction that caused it to crash in water, the impact of crash landing (flat–wise) will logically wrecked the entire aircraft; thereby separating all major aircraft parts instead of a huge bust of the fuselage. Thirdly, the human body parts especially the boots with feet and the detached face mask with hair showed signs of “burn”. Meaning these body parts are telling signs to the investigators that bomb explosion was most likely the cause of accident. According to a high ranking ‘Bomb Expert’ military Officer, the face mask going to the hair of any person who is directly hit by bomb will be detached due to the impact of explosion. The human trunk including legs and feet will be cut into pieces. With this scientifically proven revelation of noted ‘bomb expert’, there is a big probability that the said C130 aircraft was sabotaged. But since there is no physical evidence to corroborate this theory, sabotage angle can always be ruled out inconclusively. So to make a long story short, there is only one possible crash angle that can provide a more realistic conclusion on the cause of that fatal accident – MAINTENANCE RECORDS & PRACTICES!


C130 4593 is the first product of business wheeling & dealing at a questionable PDM Facility at Clarkfield, Pampanga. As explained in the “C130 Article”, this facility is “not completely” capable of performing PDM undertaking because it does not have the labor expertise to perform maintenance work that is why seasoned Maintenance Personnel of 220th Airlift Wing are being called to do the odd jobs with pay. Aircraft records will show that there are parts especially the “flight control cables” are supposedly due for replacement but were not removed for reason that it passes to the “NDI Testing” or an Xray examination. This NDI examination is being done only to detect cracks but it doesn’t guarantee sturdiness of material. For the information of everybody, all aircraft parts have a calculated lifespan relative to its material safety strength. For example, if maintenance bulletin says that an aircraft flight control cables have to be replaced upon logging in an accumulated flying time of 3600 hours or has reached 6 years of intermittent flying even if it logs less than 3600 hours flying time, that particular “Flight Control Cable” must be removed and replaced because its stress factor is no longer safe for flying. NDI Testing even if it shows no cracks on the cables is simply immaterial because material lifespan is already due for removal. Why did this happen? The answer is absolutely organizational hypocrisy that approved the contract and the political foolishness of paying back a favor to certain individual even if it was very clear right from the start that the safety standard of maintenance work is already questionable. Now that C130 4593 has crashed mysteriously in the bodies of water, resurfacing it will obviously boomerang to the organization’s unethical if not corrupt undertaking then why resurface it after all? Anyway, the Pilots and crew who were actually victims of corrupt practices were already given heroes burial with handsome financial benefits. The issue here is not about the pilots and crew if they deserve to be called heroes because they are actually heroes. The issue is about knowing the true cause of the accident so that a repeat of that accident will be prevented. It is really worrisome for the hardworking and honest pilots like MAJOR NOEL M DAGOHOY to fly again the remaining aircraft if he doesn’t know what system he has to pay more attention so he can safely bring the aircraft back to the landing field if similar trouble will happen. Months have passed since C130 4593 crashed last August 25 2008, why there are no concrete investigation reports yet on the cause of that accident? Is the delay implies that the leadership is already aware of the true cause of that fatal accident and is just buying time so that the public can forget the event? Is the delay likewise imply that a cover up is being cooked so that the true reason of accident will not be published in public for fear of institutional backlash from the Filipino people and nation loving senators?